Feed Wolfie Math Center Excites Washington Students
January 26, 2024
There’s always something knew to excite the students at Washington Primary School. Kindergarten teacher Kristen Thatcher’s class was recently introduced to a new math center called “Feed Wolfie.”

In this learning center, the students build their math fluency skills as they subtract to feed Wolfie.” This activity addresses the New York State Next Generation Learning Standard NY-K.OA.1: “Represent addition and subtraction using objects, fingers, pennies, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, equations or other strategies.”
“The students were able to represent and solve subtraction problems by feeding Wolfie his favorite food; fruit,” said Mrs. Thatcher, a veteran Huntington UFSD elementary grade level faculty member. “After feeding Wolfie, they were able to write a corresponding subtraction sentence.”
The kindergarteners had a blast with the new match center, while sharpening their skills and learning new ones. Washington always likes to keep school exciting for students and the kids enjoy discovering something new each day.
“This hands-on interactive learning center represents the ‘W’ and ‘I’ in the SWIRL (Speaking, Writing, Interaction, Reading, and Listening) approach to learning at Washington Primary School,” Principal Michelle Richards said. “It is important for our ‘Washington Winners’ to learn skills in many modalities.”